如果你退出了一门课程,DVA可能会要求你偿还这门课程的钱,追溯至课程的第一天,除非你退出是因为你无法控制的原因. 如果DVA接受你的退出理由,认为你无法控制,你将在出席的最后一天得到报酬. If this is the first instance that you withdrew, DVA可能会认为存在减轻处罚的情况,而不需要你解释,因为你退出了一门或总共不超过6个学时的课程.

注意: 您必须向VA认证官员报告课程安排的任何变化,以避免多付您的教育福利. 如果你 drop/withdraw and receive an F from a class, the last date you submitted course work will be submitted to the DVA.

根据最新的国防部谅解备忘录(MOU)中靠谱的买球网站学费援助(TA)的新指导方针, 9月5日生效, 2014, if you withdraw from any course that has been paid for with TA, MECC is required to return any unearned portion of the TA to the DoD. 学院将根据每门课程的注册天数来确定TA的数量, and return any monies above that amount. 这将导致你欠大学的债,在你能够从学校获得任何额外的服务之前,你将有责任偿还这笔债务. 请记住,这笔债务将是除了债务,你将与国防部为同一课程.

如果你没有通过一门课程,而这门课程是毕业所必需的,退伍军人管理局会付钱让你重修. 如果你的累积平均绩点和修过的学分保持了令人满意的学业进步,他们将不会退还你已经支付推荐几个靠谱的买球网站你的不及格课程的学费. 如果你r progress becomes unsatisfactory, 你的福利将暂停,直到你在学位课程中取得令人满意的进展.

Once you select a degree program and are placed into that program, 在选择课程时,您将根据大学目录中特定学位的毕业要求进行指导. 重要的是,你要尽早评估你以前的学分,这样你就不会注册一个你已经完成的课程. DVA不会为你已经获得福利的课程支付费用. 他们也不会为不能在你的学位课程中使用的课程支付费用. You can enroll in any additional classes you choose; however, those courses will 不 count toward your enrollment status/pay rate.

是的. The DVA allows you to make a change of curriculum. You will need to select a new program of study, 对你以前的所有学分进行评估,并填写VA表格22-1995(申请更改课程或培训地点). Dependents must complete a Form 22-5495 if they change programs.

  • 在进入学院之前,服务成员应该与他们的教育服务官员(ESO)或军事服务顾问交谈.
  • 根据你的军事部门的具体流程申请学费援助.
  • MECC的出纳办公室处理州和联邦学费援助.  Once you have completed the paperwork, 一定要与出纳办公室核实,确保他们收到了你单位的合同.

TA will only pay the tuition portion of your charges. All fees are the student’s responsibility. For the Fall 2023 semester, tuition should be reported as $158.61 per credit (in-状态) or $335.61(州外). 费用 should be reported as $3.50 per credit (in-状态) or $27 per credit (out-of-状态). Depending on your TA application/branch of service, you may have to manually calculate these amounts on the application. 如有任何问题,请联系军事学生中心或要求所需的费用文件.

Full Breakdown of 学费率 & 每学时收费




学费率 活动费用 辅助费用 总计
$158.61 $1.00 $2.50 $162.11


Out-of-State Business Contract Tuition*

学费率 活动费用 辅助费用 资本费用 总计
$218.61 $1.00 $2.50 $23.50 $245.61



Out-of-State Tuition (Excluding E-Rate)*

学费率 活动费用 辅助费用 资本费用 总计
$335.21 $1.00 $2.50 $23.50 $362.21



Out-of-State Tuition E-Rate**

学费率 活动费用 辅助费用 资本费用 总计
$240.61 $0.00 $0.00 $23.50 $264.11



*州外商业合同费率和州外学生必须支付23美元的资本费.除活动费(100美元/学分)和辅助费(2美元/学分)外,每学分收费50美元.50 /信贷)

**Out-of-State E-Rate classes include the 资本费用 ($23.50/学分),但做 include the 活动费用 ($1.00/credit) and 辅助费用 ($2.50 /信贷).

是的. 你可以收集 状态 TA and still receive your GI Bill. However, you can不 receive both 联邦 TA和 预备役军人法案 对于同一门课. 如果你符合Ch 33福利的条件,你可以和联邦TA一起获得这些福利. 与你所在单位的教育官员联系,了解什么对你最有利.

是的. We strongly encourage all students to apply for financial aid, even when receiving veterans’ 好处. 如果你 qualify, you can receive both. It’s 不 “double dipping.”

注意: Because of certain laws regarding the programs, Post-9/11 GI Bill recipients and students attending under VR&E may 不 qualify for 状态 grants to attend MECC. You can, however, receive 联邦 grants (Pell) and loans.

VMSDEP程序, 为了符合资格,学生的父母或配偶必须至少有90%的残疾,因为服兵役. Additional requirements, such as Virginia residency, may apply. 欲了解更多信息,并提交在线申请,请访问 http://www.德国.维吉尼亚州.政府.



You still need to complete the Certification Request for VA Educational Benefits 每学期. 你的虚拟现实&辅导员会推荐几个靠谱的买球网站退伍军人事务部的认证官员发一份授权表格,证明你的学费和书费. 然后,认证官员将验证您是否在正确的班级, 完成文书工作, and return it to your VR&E顾问.

退伍军人事务部的认证官员将把一份完成的文件副本送到书店, and they will set up your charge account for those items. 你只需要告诉他们你有VA的钱,他们就会允许你购买你需要的东西.

学生和他们的家人可以通过访问来比较多个经济援助提供的以下内容, 在你欠钱之前知道.

For more information about GI法案 & 项目 that are available to qualifying students, visit GI法案 & 项目

有关领取福利和付款期限的更多信息,请访问 领取福利 & 支付

退伍军人事务办公室位于MECC校园的一楼 罗布·霍尔,106室. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m. and can be reached by phone at 276-523-9028. For more information, visit 退伍军人福利

For more information about the 招聘政策, visit 招聘政策.

  1. Click here to log in to MyMECC.
  2. 点击 姐姐 瓷砖.
  3. 点击 学生档案电子表格 瓷砖.
  4. On the left, click the tab for Military Benefit Certify eForm.
  5. 尽你所知填写表格上的信息,然后点击蓝色 提交 button at the bottom of the page when finished. 如果表单有任何问题,单击提交时将弹出错误消息. You must correct all errors before the form is complete.
    注意: 如果您想保存您的进度并稍后回来,您可以点击 保存 而不是.

To join MECC Student Veterans of America, contact lgrace@basilinfracon.com.

Like us on Facebook at MECC Student Veterans of America

Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of 退伍军人事务部 (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站 www.好处.va.政府 / gibill.